Hot Toddy

Typically, I’ve been a fortunate person who doesn’t get sick very often, but a few weeks ago out of nowhere, I developed a cough. Nothing else: no sneezing, runny nose, fever, aches, etc. I felt fine. My dad told me he had made a hot toddy for a friend of theirs who had the same thing & it worked wonders.

My husband & I are aren’t really drinkers so we have a small assortment of liquor in the house, usually received as a gift, or for a recipe so off to the liquor store we went.

The cast of characters:

I’m happy to report it worked like a charm & tasted far better than the memory I have of shots taken during a camping trip many moons ago.


2 tbsp Whiskey

Juice of half a lemon

1 tbsp honey

6 – 8 oz boiling water

Cinnamon stick, or dash of cinnamon


In a mug, add Whiskey. Squeeze half a lemon, add honey, pour hot water & stir together with a cinnamon stick & allow to sit for a minute.


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